A Starting Point (with Jane Pettigrew)

While You Were Steeping is a curatorial tea and culture podcast. Join your hosts, ex-housemates and theatre graduates Hayden Rodgers and Michael Mandalios as they discover the rich history of tea across time and cultures, and review locally sampled teas of all kinds.

EPISODE NOTES: Ready to throw themselves into the rich history of tea, Hayden and Michael chat with tea historian, somelier and educator Jane Pettigrew in the United Kingdom. She talks about her personal experiences of having her life changed by tea, and walks our hosts through the major highlights of tea-in-history, equipping them with all the talking points they need to move on with the season.

Teas reviewed in this episode:

Great Grandfather's Tea (Elmstock, WA, Australia)

This episode was recorded on May 15th, 2020

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