The Curiosity of a Child

A science, history, and things more bizarre PODCAST

A dad and his 10-year-old son chat science, history, and things more bizarre. Spices, necromancer pirates, bees, Mayans, chocolate, farts, monsters, the world, corpse medicine, the oldest women in the world, soap and so much more...

We are a son (aged 10) and a father (aged a few multiples of 10) who are curious about… well, everything! The more you look at the world the more you understand and then the more you can see.

We like to dig into different topics, everything from the humble Ox (it’s been really important to the development of mankind – but Anton did have to learn what castration is!) to the most popular Christmas toys of yesteryear (including actual firing guns, a hideous doll that could bite off fingers and a pet rock!).

We don’t just like to talk though; we like to experience. That might mean recording on location in a 5000-year-old dolmen full of spiders and reportedly an entrance to the fairy realm. Or simply tasting spices from across the world (I’m looking forward to giving Anton chilli!) to uncover where they came from, how their trade affected people’s lives and how they’re used. Oh, and we also recreated and ate various forms of corpse medicine such as the human brain, mellified man, and a nice warm glass of urine. Yum!

We do all this from our small island fortress (Hitler built a lot of bunkers here). We don’t get off ‘the rock’ that often so instead we send our minds out around the world and return with stories of wonder. We then take everything we discover and have good chat about it and even do some storytelling (with sound effects!) to present it to you the listener.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that we have a time machine too.

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