The Bros ‘n Brews Podcast

An Art-meets-Life Questions Podcast

The conversations we never quite got around to having…

The Bros ‘n Brews Podcast is a weekly discussion between New Zealanders James Ladanyi and Matt Staijen-Leach, who infuse their love and knowledge of acting, music and the entertainment industries, with a desire to talk about some of life’s more serious issues.

What actually makes a great actor?

How ethical is it to have children?

What three albums would you take to a deserted island?

Why are we afraid to talk about death?

What is the secret to learning how to do accents?

How comfortable are we with sex & sexuality?

The Bros use their personal experiences, the craft of acting, and worldly ongoings in pop-culture as a springboard to discuss everything from uncomfortable truths, demonised issues, and problems too-often swept under the rug:

Sexuality, Identity, Death, Mental Health, The Environment, Career Pressure, Memory, and more.

What began as a simple podcast about navigating a career in the acting industry, has evolved into something much greater: what do we really need to chat about?

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