Episode 2

Here are the nerdy topics we discuss this week:

1. Boston dynamics recent video - Link 1Link 2

2. Robot Delivery Vans - Link 1

3. SpaceX Starlink internet satellite launch - Link 1

4. Elon Musk’s Tesla factory not happening in China - Link 1

5. Bill Gates’ stance on tech companies involving government intervention - Link 1

6. Firefly’s novel announcements - Link 1

7a. Disney & Lucas Arts Stripping EA of Star War License - Link 1Link 2Link 3

7b. Hawaii banning loot boxes - Link 1

7c. New Hampshire’s stance on loot boxes - Link 1Link 2

 7d. Germany banning loot boxes - Link 1Link 2

8. Tom Hanks’ new war movie - Link 1

9. Gavin Free and Meg Turney break-in - Link 1Link 2

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Intro Music - Artist - DEgITx feat. Matty M. Grim Reaper

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