Was Snape a brave man?

Was Snape a brave man?
Podcast Nine and Three-Quarters

Reeah unwillingly comes to the defence of Snape and Jem gleefully drags him through the mud as both sisters refrain from using the c word, and try to figure out if the bravest man Harry ever knew is actually braver than a long list of other men, women, creatures and more.   Contact us: Both - nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com OR podcastnineandthreequarters.tumblr.com Jem - @Jem_JustJem Reeah - @SmashMouthReeah Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com This week’s intro music was ‘Snape's Demise’ by Alexandre Desplat, and our outro music was ‘Hedwig’s Theme’ by John Williams.

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Email: nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com 

Music: 'Hedwig's Theme' by John Williams

Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com

Podcast Nine and Three Quarters Logo.png