Eloise and the First Love Fallacy

Eloise and the First Love Fallacy
Ghosts of Boyfriends Past - TNC

Ah first love... the one that knocks you on your ass and makes you dream of the wedding, babies and white picket fences. But Eloise found out the hard way that there's a lot of time for temptation between teen romance and walking down the aisle.


Eloise is a massive nerd and will talk your ear off about all things Doctor Who if you let her (she probably won’t wait though). Currently she’s attempting to write her own episode, because frankly anything will be better than the tripe Chibnall gave us last year. Eloise has officially traipsed the boards for 15 years, singing, acting, and attempting to dance. After many an awful boyfriend, she met her husband whilst acting at the Brisbane Arts Theatre. They now have two beautiful children which Eloise writes about in her parenting blog. 

Follow her truth bombs at truthmummy.wordpress.com

Eloise’s not so secret guilty pleasure is collecting brooches and you can follow her obsession and immense collection on Instagram: @eloisedundastaylor. 

Her other artistic exploits includes drawing, painting, and cross stitching (when she has the time). After practising tae kwon-do for 21 years, she packed that in and took up Irish Dancing instead. It’s still a work out for the legs let me tell you. 

Eloise has also been attempting to get her own podcast about movies off the ground, but whilst this is a work in progress she’s settled for just appearing on other people’s podcasts instead.



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