That's Not Canon Productions

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Conversations Jonathan – You’ve never wanted to hear emo polka?

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Conversations Jonathan – You’ve never wanted to hear emo polka? General Queeries - TNC

Heyo friends, just a couple of things before we get into the podcast notes.

First of all, we would like to extend our love and support to the families of those affected by the tragic shootings in Christchurch this past week. For any of our listeners who would like to offer support to those affected, SBS has put together a list of fundraisers that could be helpful.

We also have a Content Warning for a small discussion on the Me Too movement and similar topics at one point in the episode.

Onto the show!

Today our guest for this conversation episode is me, your wonderful show note writer, Jonathan, who also helped form this podcast. This episode we talk about how the podcast was actually created, as well as a lot of talk about music and the expression of identity through creative works.

Talking points – how the podcast formed, pansexuality, music, identity, the show notes, learning from mistakes, trying your best, me too movement, IDLES

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