That's Not Canon Productions

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Fun Home with Your Hosts

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Fun Home with Your Hosts Musicals Taught Me Everthing I Know - TNC

This week we chat about which of life's truths can be gleaned from the comic-turned- musical masterpiece - Fun Home!

Ben Brantley of The New York Times spoke of the musical's emotional impact, artistry and universality, calling it a "beautiful heartbreaker of a musical".[53] "Fun Home isn’t just a coming out story or a coming-of-age story. Its universality comes from its awareness of how we never fully know even those closest to us, and of the undercurrent of grown-up secrets, intuited by children, that exists to some degree in every family. Fun Home finds a shining clarity that lights up the night."


Wiki - Musical, Comic, Jeanine Tesori, Beth Malone, Sydney Lucas



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Our theme song and interstitial music all by the one and only Benedict Braxton Smith. Find out more about him at