That's Not Canon Productions

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Persephone and her Unnamed Brother

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Persephone and her Unnamed Brother Hooked - TNC

Let me tell you something about me. I love vengeance like normal people love sunsets and long walks on the beach. I eat vengeance with a spoon like it's honey. In fact, I may not even be a real person, but just a vow of vengeance made flesh. - LAINI TAYLOR, Night of Cake & Puppets

General Combo and his warriors

Walking the barrens through a series of megaliths your party bumps into the ghost of a paladin, general combo, who explains that the tomb which his order was buried is under attack each night by corpses rising from their graves, every night the tortured souls of his brothers and the bodies of warriors buried there rise and do battle. He begs for you to put an end to this needless violence by destroying the corrupted paladin statues that stand in the main hall of the necropolis.

Persephone and her Nameless Brother

The party comes across a young girl, pure of heart and truly innocent, whose every action brings beauty and joy into the world around her. The party adopts her, both out of affection and in order to protect her from the cruelties of the world. However, according to prophecy and divine insight, the girl- whose name is Persephone- has a brother- who has no name that can be uttered in the tongues of the civilised races. He is her opposite in every way: as she is life, he is death. As she brings joy, he brings misery. The only thing Persephone truly wants in the world is to be united with her brother, who is separated from her by a great distance. And that reunion, according to prophecy, is the event that will trigger the end of life as we know it. There is nothing at all that the party can do to stop her from reuniting with her brother and fulfilling their terrible destiny. Well, there is one thing...

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