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Ring of Salt Licks!

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Ring of Salt Licks! You, Me, and a Poltergeist

Belinda and Braydon take a walk away from their regular spirit stories to discuss a few of the world's most renowned cryptids! Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience that aims to prove the existence of entities from the folklore record, such as Bigfoot, the chupacabra, and the Lochness monster!

Braydon discusses the strange abomination that hunts the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, the Jersey Devil! This creature's origins come from a reported accidental curse that a mother put upon her unborn child while she was pregnant. When the child was born and immediately polymorphed into a horrific amalgamation of numerous different creatures. It quickly murdered its mother and the wetnurses around it and took off into the Pine Barrens where it lives to this day. In the early 1900's, numerous encounters with this creature occurred within one week. Reports of police officers firing upon the creature, and firefighters blasting it with a fire hose before being attacked are some of the more substantial claims of encounters with this flying death machine.

Belinda goes on to discuss Mothman, the Moth-like humanoid entity that terrifies those unlucky to encounter the creature in West Virginia. Numerous sightings of this strange creature started occurring after 1966, and Mothman was even linked to the Silver Bridge's collapse that killed 46 people and injured countless more in 1967. Theories have been surfacing that the Mothman was trying to warn the people on the bridge of the impending danger, insinuating that Mothman is a benevolent being instead of an evil one.

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