That's Not Canon Productions

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Gackt Fackts

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Gackt Fackts Rate-a-loid - TNC

This week on Rate-a-loid we discuss anime (as usual), Jonathan gets passionate about music, (as usual), and Harper says cursed things (as usual). Today’s Vocaloid is Camui Gackpo, a celebrity Vocaloid that uses the voice of J-rock star and known handsome man Gackt! Throughout the episode, Jonathan gives us the run down on a number of fackts about Gackt himself, and Harper tries to comprehend this wild man and his Samurai robot-sona. Sit down, get ready for possibly our most over the top Vocaloid yet, and enjoy the content.

Today's Music

In the Name of God by Roy -

The Tragedy of Castle Cépage by Utsuki -

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