That's Not Canon Productions

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Bertram's Staff

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Bertram's Staff Hooked - TNC

Shades of green dancing in the soft breeze
Gentle whispers call me in
Singing Aspen entrances me.

Listen… See…
“See what?” I ask
“What message is there in this for me?”
I am left unsure.

Life’s journey takes me to another place.
I walk along a different path
Unlooked for Aspen song reaches out.

Standing under a clear blue sky, I listen to rainfall
Far from home, I see again the Lochs of Maponus
Return! Seek! Learn!
Whispering Aspen entreats me.

Potia (Summer 2014)

The Fungal Cocoon - When you first wandered into such a strange forest, no-one could have known the boon it would bestow upon you. It started out benign enough, simply climbing the trees to gain a better vantage point. But when the trunks withdrew from the ground and coalesced into fungal cocoons around the party, it became clear something was wrong. And when they emerge, they are refreshed: renewed by the respite they had been given. But any symbiosis has its cost. You are the host, and you must feed the parasite.

The Treestriders - The morning after the party makes camp in a grove of unfamiliar tall trees, they discover that the trees have moved. Before long, they discover that a race of small, bird-riding creatures live inside the canopies of these strange trees. Not only that, the trees are more than mere plants: they are both buildings and war machines, and their inhabitants are a war party bound for a distant forest, where they will displace the native inhabitants and plants and make it their new home. The war party has been en route for generations, each of which has lived their entire lives within the canopy. And they're nearing their destination

Bertram’s Staff - A weapon whose druidic properties are discovered over time. Starting as a quarterstaff then a whip then spells. What the players don’t know is that the staff’s previous owner exists within the weapon and wishes to return to the material plane, at the cost of our they who wield the staff.

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