That's Not Canon Productions

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Gus and the Guslings

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Gus and the Guslings Hooked - TNC

If human beings were shown what they're really like, they'd either kill one another as vermin, or hang themselves. - Aldous Huxley

Gus the Dream Eater

As a reward for protecting an isolated village from horrors, the party is given an odd gift: a small wooden carving of a misshapen impish creature, which the village chief claims will protect them. When next the party makes camp, they all fall into the most restful sleep any of them have ever had. Including the ones assigned to stand watch. Including, even, any party members who would normally be incapable of sleep. When they awake, they find a small note, which reads "Hello! My name is Gus! I keep you safe at night!" From then on, resting at night is completely safe for the party, and they continue to sleep utterly peacefully. In exchange for warding off danger as they sleep, Gus extracts their dreams and devours them for sustenance. However, as time goes on, the party begins to develop a connection to Gus's native Astral Plane. And as the connection grows and it becomes harder and harder to resist it's pulling, the party risks being transported there as they sleep, with no known way of returning...

Johnathan explosion

Jonny explosion is the forward for night city's slaughter ball team “The Bane Slayers”. He wears a leather jacket with a pair of wings on the back, Mohawk and a classic tough-guy kind heart attitude. Handed off to the party in a classic get him to the church on time quest. Jonny keeps trying to slip away from you, offering drugs, money (that he swears his agent has) or using his charm and good looks to persuade you. It’s only once you shake the info out of him that he explains the mob (your employers) want him to fix the game tonight. He’s getting high to do what needs to be done, but he just can’t bring himself to let his Ma down. Will the party help him, extort him or find their way onto the slaughter ball court to replace other “missing players”.

Gus the Gluttonous Imp

A man discovered underneath his bed, a tiny helpless imp, with skin that sagged over its malnourished form. The imp greeted him, with a mumble of “Hello, I’m Gus. Please feed me.” And so the man fed him, and Gus was grateful. Over the coming days, Gus grew, filling out to be a very healthy imp. Or so the legends go… But when Gus appears, and the townsfolk feed it, it soon becomes clear that its appetite can not be sated. Gus’ form swells and bloats, and with everything it eats, begins to ooze. The marble statue in the square becomes a sheen of natural armor, while the lumber set for cutting emerges in horrible splinters. “I’m Gus. And I’m hungry”

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