That's Not Canon Productions

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Breakfast Dungeon Deep Dive - TNC

What is breakfast? Is it important? What's in it? These are just some of the important questions we'll explore as Lachlan and Tully tackle the studio on their own. It's amazing what you can get into with something as simple as a morning meal.

Let the smell of a hot breakfast float you out of bed and right down to this week's episode of Dungeon Deep Dive! Left alone in the studio, Lachlan and Tully get into the weirdly controversial opinions towards breakfast in history, before getting into what the heck even counts AS breakfast? After getting into the history, we look at all the ways to make something as mundane as breakfast as interesting as possible in your story. Finally, we help design a quest where the end of breakfast may just have devastating consequences... Hold on to your corn flakes, it's going to be a wild one.

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