That's Not Canon Productions

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Vampires Dungeon Deep Dive - TNC

This week the team at Dungeon Deep Dive gets morbid, as they explore all things vampire. Get ready for death, disease, and devils!

The vampire has long been a mythological staple around the world, with different interpretations in every corner of the world. This creature has been buried in the human psyche to play on all of our worst fears. From the plagues of the middle ages, through revolutions against power, to that cursed concept of private property, vampires have always been there to take the fall. But do we really understand these pallid, blood-sucking nightmares? We explore how they have played on the depths of our collective fears, how the imagery is linked to disease, and even why they care so much about counting. Enjoy our ramblings on how to bring vampires into your games.

Once again, we're working with funky audio, but as always we bring that juicy juicy content.

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