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Moonshot, Keli Lane: Problem Child, and Sonic Boom

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Moonshot, Keli Lane: Problem Child, and Sonic Boom Castology - TNC

Each of the hosts has brought a very "them" podcast this week: Zane with science, Liz with true crime and Nick with sports. (Liz is already going 'Ew,, sports'). Respectively they're recommending Moonshot, Keli Lane: Problem Child and Sonic Boom. Then it's review time and they gang have a few things to say. Especially about Containers.

Liz Recommends - Keli Lane: Problem Child

Liz thought she knew all about this case as she followed it quite closely on the news. She was wrong. This particular investigative podcast has never before seen or heard information that makes the case all the more confusing.

This podcast is Brisbane-based and hosted by an amateur investigator obsessed with deep driving into true crime, is a mum, and has undertaken studies in Criminology and Law. They plan to tackle more Australian cases in the future.

"In our multi-episode investigative podcast series, we will explore the case of Keli Lane – the Australian woman convicted of murdering her newborn infant, Tegan. We will explore why Keli concealed three pregnancies from everyone around her, and we will thoroughly examine the trial process, court documents, and delve deeply into the background of Keli Lane.  

"We will explore Keli’s current situation in Silverwater Women's Correctional Facility in NSW, Australia, and document her attempts to free herself from prison along with help from the RMIT innocence initiative and ABC exposed – who are advocating on Keli’s behalf for a Judicial Review.

For both: Start at the start and listen to as many as you feel compelled to.

Nick Recommends - Sonic Boom

Did Seattle ever have a chance? Who are the villains in this story? Hear from the NBA legends, politicians, die-hard fans, business executives, and more as The Ringer’s Jordan Ritter Conn unearths never-before-heard truths about the NBA’s greatest heist.

For either: The pilot episode is free, grab that one first.

Zane Recommends - Moonshot

It has been too long since Zane has recommended a science podcast! And this week he has an australian science/buisness podcast to recommend - Moonshot. Moonshot is a podcast focused on people chasing ‘moonshot’ ideas that seem almost impossible. Explore the world's biggest ideas and the people making them happen. Self-driving cars, jetpacks, 3D printed food, or a trip to Mars? Moonshot talks to the people who are at the forefront of all this rapid change to find out what the future of humanity might actually look like. Hosted by Kristofor Lawson and Andrew Moon.

Artwork by Andrew Millist

For Nick: When Space Companies Go Rogue

For Liz: Building immersive stories with Nonny de la Peña

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